Friday, 28 February 2014

Global News, Kevin Richardson, the lion whisperer

Global News
‘Lion whisperer’ Kevin Richardson’

            One of the world’s most feared animal is also said to be another’s best friend. The huge cat and predator for many is feared by almost anyone, except for Kevin Richardson. One man’s unique bond with one of the world’s most feared animals is outstanding. He is seen hugging and cuddling lions and hyenas in South Africa, and that is true beauty.
            Kevin Richardson has created such a bond with these feared beasts in which he is able to call the lions by name. At this point they each take a turn wrapping their massive paws around him, giving him a hug before knocking him to the ground.
“I lie down there next to them and I just think, ‘you are so beautiful,’” Kevin Richardson said. “If you give them a good chin scratch, they are very happy, content cats.” It’s incredible to think of the power of one man, and the impact he can have on others. He took one of the world’s feared cats and mad it into his companion.
Kevin Richardson is a self-taught animal behaviorist who has spent the past 16 years developing his unique relationship with lions to help raise awareness to the plight of lions and their diminishing habitat. He wants the world to see how beautiful they truly are, and for that they should be spared.
Currently in Africa you can drive for days without seeing a single animal, everything about Africa has changed, animals are disappearing, and habitats are being destroyed, the mission for Kevin Richardson is to inform the world of the big picture. To inform the world of what’s truly going on, and to inform the world that each animal we are harming isn’t as awful as media, movies, and our fears believe.
Kevin Richardson also has a wildlife sanctuary occupied in Africa. According to The Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary; the lion population currently occupies less than 20 per cent of its former range in Africa. It’s the sanctuary’s mission “to provide a self-sustaining African carnivore sanctuary for the purposes of wild species preservation through education, awareness and funding, especially pertaining to the rapid decline of large carnivores in Africa due to habitat loss, human-predator conflict, unscrupulous hunting, disease and their illegal trade.”
His goal is to make a difference, and because of what bond he has created with the lions, his story is spreading worldwide, not only is he trying to make a difference, and fighting for what he believes in, he’s also a role model to many.

I believe in what he is doing, and I find it absolutely incredible, but what are your thoughts? 

Beautiful isn't it? 

Friday, 14 February 2014

2014 Sochi Olympics, The Battle to save the Stray Dogs


  We all know and have heard of the Olympics in some way, shape, and form but sometimes we aren’t being told the full story. Sometimes we only see the highs and positives opposed to some truth of the negatives that are being hiding within.
            The hidden truth is that while the 2014 Olympics take place in Sochi, Russia they have a specific way of ‘cleaning up’ for the Olympics, which many people in society do not agree with. The situation going on is that in Sochi, they have created a massive plan in which $50,000 would be spent in order to kill over 2000 stray dogs/puppies. Meanwhile in Sochi before them Olympics they suffered with a problem of stray dogs due to irresponsible pet owners. Dog owners would eventually get sick of their once loved pet and let it go, or being irresponsible and not taking care of puppies female dogs are producing. Also it is frowned upon to have their dogs neutered, for the fact of which once you neuter a dog it can no longer do its job, to protect the home and people.
            Since thousands of dogs are rooming the streets free and hungry, Sochi believed it would be a disgrace to the country to have wild dogs. Even though these dogs show no act of violence and are truly kind and affectionate, Sochi is inhumanely killing off these dogs. They are doing this is 3 main ways, in which none of them are humane. Sochi has hired a pest control company that is being paid to capture the dogs and to murder them. They are feeding dog’s poisoned meats, beating them to death, and simply using guns. Is this really the publicity Sochi needs?
            In my opinion this situation wouldn’t be as sever if they were treating dogs humanely and solving the issues and a proper manner. Animal rights groups have been fighting to have a shelter built in which to rescue dogs instead of having them dyeing in such a disgusting manner.  
            Russian newspapers are headlining this extreme event and publishing it as “the slaughterhouse plan” and indeed the mass killing of the dogs is in order to “clean up” for the Olympics. Now do you believe this is fair? And if you were hungry would it be right to be poisoned with food?
            Not only has Sochi hired a pest control company to ‘handle’ the problem, Alexei Sorokin, the owner of the Basia Services extermination has also been throwing around and calling dogs “Biological Trash”. Meanwhile dogs are pets, and deserve a living chance; whether they are stray, or not they don’t deserve the punishment they are being given.
            Yes, Sochi is our chosen place for the 2014 Olympics, but is this tragic event in order to ‘clean up’ for the Olympics right? Threw the internet people around the world are fighting to save these dogs, as well as athletes are bringing home there new found best friend. Killing the dogs isn’t right, and people are willing to fight in order to make a difference.

                                                             (Man saving Sochi dog. )

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


            This is more or less a simple person venting about the extremes and sickness of torture and a disgrace to humanity in which some people do and disgusting situations they create and carry on forth with. This is all based upon one individual’s opinion, and in this case this in my rant about how I feel directed towards an 18 month old giraffe named Marius.
            Marius was a large animal, with a big heart. Marius was an 18 month old giraffe breed, and born a Denmark zoo, with the name of Copenhagen Zoo. They decided to keep this innocent giraffe for almost two years; they gave him a home, a life, and even a name, but later on proceeded with butchering this poor creature and preforming a show for all the guests at the zoo and feeding Marius to the carnivores at the zoo.
            Why? Unfortunately the zoo that slaughtered Marius can’t keep their story straight and are continuously changing it and blaming in on a number of reasons. At one point in their pathetic story, the murdered Marius due to the fact he was “surplus” meaning he was too many, and they already had 7 giraffes. The question is, is they had enough giraffes why would they breed there giraffes in the first place? There second story was to prevent in breeding. They couldn’t give him to another zoo because it would risk chances of inbreeding, but if a zoo is exchanging animals, or even consisting of animals shouldn’t they all have documentations and history of their animals, therefore they should of gathered the knowledge in which where a suitable home would have been for Marius and were inbreeding wouldn’t have been a worry or concern. Finally there last reason as to why is because they couldn’t find a home for Marius. Funny… several zoo’s offered to take Marius and they were all harshly denied, and another interesting fact is that an individual offered $680,000 for this innocent creature and was also denied. In conclusion Marius has numerous opportunities to live his life, but because of the Copenhagen zoo guiding his decisions he wasn’t giving the chance to live.
            A petition was signed with over 27,000 signatures in which the zoo refused to look at. Marius was also not put down humanly but instead shot in the head with a bolt gun for the reasoning of the zoo didn’t want to contaminate the meat with euthanizing him due to the fact they were going to feed Marius to the carnivores. A quote was also said that they weren’t going to waste all that meat.
`           Marius had his brains shot out, and then was dissected and butchered up in front of families, parents and children, as a show and performance and then followed by being feed the lions, all because of what? Marius was perfectly healthy and had no issues what so ever and no reason to be put down. Health records prove Marius was healthy. Marius had opportunities to live and carry on and was strong enough to do so but because of one person with power his life got taken away.
            Humanity isn’t right, and lost their guidelines of right and wrong. To begin with animals don’t belong in zoo’s or catches but the fact that they feel it’s alright to butcher an innocent giraffe for no reason isn’t right. They are sick people and don’t deserve the life there given. Society has been driven to a sick place, and in my opinion has lost any hope. One man with power was able to ignore thousands of people with a heart, and instead take away an animal’s life. These people are heart less, and sick and severely lacking some kind of brain chemical to make them intellectually stable, these are the kind of people who butcher people and proceed with cannibalism, but oh I forgot since it was done to a giraffe its okay. There’s no reasoning for this, and Marius didn’t deserve it;

Some people are to sick and twisted to help. 

Friday, 7 February 2014

The wonders of animals

The wonders of animals is the sever impact one or many may have upon one’s life, or in one’s life time. The adventures you carry and share with these creatures, and how intense of connection can truly be made is simply incredible.
            We all have our best friend, the one person we can talk to and spend time with, but sometimes we all need more than that. One of my very best friends besides my horse is my amazing dog of which I rescued. We go for walks, he can always make me smile, and he can always tell when something’s wrong. The difference between him and some people is he will always sit and listen. When I cry he snuggles up and acts in such kindness and shows me comfort unlike any other, he’s the one thing I know will never hurt me.
            He always guides the way to keep me save, for instance when I’m out horseback riding he’s always circles making sure everything is okay. He’s come such a long way since when I first come into contact with him. He was scared, worried, and simply abused. He couldn’t trust, and he didn’t know what affection was. At this point in time he is happy, playful, and truly closes to my heart.
            Some say animals are just there to shit, eat, and get in the way, but deeply they are much more than that. There a shoulder to cry on, a goofy personality to keep you smiling, and the best friend that will love you unconditionally and without any flaws, they just deserve the chance to show you.
            In dedication to my best friend, and the smile on my face, this is for Lucky.

This is much more then what appeals to the eye

We all know what this majestic equine is. It’s the beautiful design of nature and the magic of wonderful creations. It’s one of the beauties in the world, and the highlight of the joy that can inflect in someone’s lives.
                The impact of such a creature is more than expected and anticipated for it’s not just another animal that walks and lives from the earth. This special creation is one of the most incredible things to me, and the one thing that has created such an immense imprint into creating who I am.
                This equine is Hailey; she’s a beautiful, brave, and intelligent Egyptian Arabian.  She will be 19 in March, and yet she’s still as young and pure as before. The impact she’s had on my life is unlike any other. Due to her, and what she is, she formed me into someone with the passion to try, the commitment to do, and the love to soar free. She’s the beauty of being alone with one the sounds of her hoofs connecting with the earth and the steady pace threw a quite forest. To be she’s part of the beauty of live.
                We all have different believes and perspectives and some may say towards any animal that, they are only a animal, they have no meaning or value to life, the difference is in my opinion animals in general are much much more than that. To me this special equine is part of which I am, she builds my spirits, encourages me to be me, and always accepts who I am. She’s always there when no one else is, she always acts with love and affection, she truly is something much more than just an equine. She is my best friend.
                We connect into one another, and move like a single sprit in the wind, we flow with rhythm and act as if one. She trusts me with her life, and I trust her with mine. I will always protect her and I know she will protect me; she is what guides me into living. She’s the wildflower some people don’t discover in life, she’s the beauty of a heartbeat.