Friday, 14 February 2014

2014 Sochi Olympics, The Battle to save the Stray Dogs


  We all know and have heard of the Olympics in some way, shape, and form but sometimes we aren’t being told the full story. Sometimes we only see the highs and positives opposed to some truth of the negatives that are being hiding within.
            The hidden truth is that while the 2014 Olympics take place in Sochi, Russia they have a specific way of ‘cleaning up’ for the Olympics, which many people in society do not agree with. The situation going on is that in Sochi, they have created a massive plan in which $50,000 would be spent in order to kill over 2000 stray dogs/puppies. Meanwhile in Sochi before them Olympics they suffered with a problem of stray dogs due to irresponsible pet owners. Dog owners would eventually get sick of their once loved pet and let it go, or being irresponsible and not taking care of puppies female dogs are producing. Also it is frowned upon to have their dogs neutered, for the fact of which once you neuter a dog it can no longer do its job, to protect the home and people.
            Since thousands of dogs are rooming the streets free and hungry, Sochi believed it would be a disgrace to the country to have wild dogs. Even though these dogs show no act of violence and are truly kind and affectionate, Sochi is inhumanely killing off these dogs. They are doing this is 3 main ways, in which none of them are humane. Sochi has hired a pest control company that is being paid to capture the dogs and to murder them. They are feeding dog’s poisoned meats, beating them to death, and simply using guns. Is this really the publicity Sochi needs?
            In my opinion this situation wouldn’t be as sever if they were treating dogs humanely and solving the issues and a proper manner. Animal rights groups have been fighting to have a shelter built in which to rescue dogs instead of having them dyeing in such a disgusting manner.  
            Russian newspapers are headlining this extreme event and publishing it as “the slaughterhouse plan” and indeed the mass killing of the dogs is in order to “clean up” for the Olympics. Now do you believe this is fair? And if you were hungry would it be right to be poisoned with food?
            Not only has Sochi hired a pest control company to ‘handle’ the problem, Alexei Sorokin, the owner of the Basia Services extermination has also been throwing around and calling dogs “Biological Trash”. Meanwhile dogs are pets, and deserve a living chance; whether they are stray, or not they don’t deserve the punishment they are being given.
            Yes, Sochi is our chosen place for the 2014 Olympics, but is this tragic event in order to ‘clean up’ for the Olympics right? Threw the internet people around the world are fighting to save these dogs, as well as athletes are bringing home there new found best friend. Killing the dogs isn’t right, and people are willing to fight in order to make a difference.

                                                             (Man saving Sochi dog. )

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